Sunday, July 6, 2008

Who Knew?

OK, maybe in some circumstances this is useful...but the fact that you get both a silver and a gold tone hook (to match your jewelry? to match the silverware?) and the "carrying case" that takes it over the edge. Isn't the purse a "carrying case?"

"Finally, a place to keep your bag. This smart and easy purse hook allows you to keep your bag off the floor and at your side. It's also great for a tote bag, umbrella, briefcase and more. Compact and portable, these metal hooks have non-slip backs and hold up to 35 lbs. Includes one silver-tone hook, one gold-tone hook and a carrying case."

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1 comment:

Claire said...

No. In no circumstances is this useful. If you are in such a disgusting place that you can't put your purse down, use the "purse hook" that's attached to your torso!