I could swear I get three new yellowpages a year! Why buy one for a booster seat made from petroleum based product?!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Don't You Still Get These Free?!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Launcher!
Give me a break! A gizmo to toss paper airplanes? How many future engineers will play with this and decide "aerodynamics? who needs to learn THAT!? just power through it!" The point of the airplane making is teaching patience, symmetry, care, aim, wind-awareness, lift, etc.
I just have to say it....if you buy this for your kid....you're a bad father. really.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Not Man Enough for a Nail Gun...
....try the self hammering hammer...
Seriously! - this thing is $100! And it does not have a claw to remove nails, so good luck with that if you put it in the wrong spot! Plus, you can't use for all the other things you do with a hammer.....you know what I mean!
So you pay a lot, get fewer functions........and solve a problem that a quick bit of practice would fix (hold the hammer at the end not choking it, and keep your eye on the nail....sheez)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Smaller is More Expensive
So this itty bitty microwave costs $149. I found regular sized ones for that much. So explain to me where you have an office setting, with sufficient reliable power, room to put a microwave safely on a desk.....and yet do not have room for a more versatile and useful larger model?!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Because Cans Come in 12 Packs
One day I'll total up all the cooler-type gizmos and see what the cost is and compare to the cost of a fridge and the cubic footage.
This Drink-O-Matic has room for only 10 cans.....so what do you do with the other two?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Yet Another Refrigerator Substitute
I am stunned....we have cracked the $1000 ceiling at Don't Need, Don't Have. A wine bottle chiller for only three bottles - Sky Bar - avoids the hassle of tilting bottles to pour them.
I think my last fridge cost half that....and held a lot more than three bottles of wine.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Laptops without Laps
It is amazing to think there are people who still don't know that if you sit down, you make a lap! For them, there's a way to use a laptop finally! This desk will eliminate the need to figure out how to form a lap.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
More Abuse of the French
As if having "highway paint" mustard labeled "French's" isn't insulting enough, here's another wine gizmo requiring power.....and it is blamed on the French. Sacre bleu! A good French waiter can open wine with the simplest of corkscrews.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Keep Your Bathroom Counter Space Pinned Down
The best part of this ad for a mascara warmer is that it contains the info you need to avoid buying it! "For many years, Hollywood makeup artists used hot blow dryers to get the smoothest consistency."
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Safe Place to Store $400
Just in case you're worried about your bank, this is a good way to store $400. A feng shui compass to help you organize your house.
Who knew how hard it was to avoid blocking doorways and windows and make sure you can see TV from the couch?!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Post-Christmas Recession Blues
So many useless items were left on shelves this season. Is there something in the stimulus package for SkyMall?
Every year my family gets consumable goodies, a donation to a charity they (and I!) support, and a page out of SkyMall labeled "what you are not getting this year."
I've never had someone say they wish I'd gotten them the cooler scooter instead of a donation to the animal shelter.